Prof. Patrick Oliver
Patrick is an expert in human-computer interaction with particular research interests include the application of social and ubiquitous computing, the development of new approaches to interaction (including as novel sensing platforms and interaction techniques) and human-centred design methods.
Patrick coined the term Digital Civics, now a central focus of his research. Digital Civics is a cross-disciplinary area of research that explores ways technology can promote new forms of participation in the design and delivery of local services including education, public health and social care and town planning.
Another key element of Patrick’s work is a commitment to the creation of open source software and hardware. Notable examples include the OpenMovement AX3 accelerometer which was designed for the largest study of physical activity ever conducted (over 100K participants) and is used by clinical researchers across the World.
Before joining Monash in December 2018, Patrick was Professor of Human-Computer Interaction in the School of Computing, Newcastle University, United Kingdom where founded and lead Open Lab, Newcastle University’s centre for cross-disciplinary research in digital technologies. He was director of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital Civics (55 cross-disciplinary PhD students) and the EPSRC Digital Economy Research Centre a multidisciplinary five-year project involving 25 postdoctoral researchers.